The active anti-burglary solution, without subscription and accessible to all.


Active and immediate protection against burglars, squatters, intrusions and thefts.


In a world where the security of our property and our loved ones is a major concern, burglaries and intrusions represent a constant threat.
To deal with this reality, many security solutions have been developed over time. Among these, the fog generator appears to be a major innovation offering effective protection against burglaries and intrusions.

This is active protection allowing a break-in to be stopped immediately, without the burglars being able to steal anything from your home or premises.

Our anti-burglary solutions, individually or in kits

To guarantee your safety, you can purchase protective devices individually or in complete kits.

Fog generator, active protection against burglaries

The fog generator

The generator can be triggered with your mobile phone, wherever you are.

If you already have an alarm and one or more cameras, you can add this device for complete and active protection of your home.

—> View product

Dual sensor motion detector against intruders and burglars

The motion detector

The infrared detector sends an alert to your phone as soon as a human presence occurs.

Its 2 sensors significantly increase its reliability by eliminating false detections.

The detector works with the Tuya protocol, it can be coupled directly to the generator in order to obtain an autonomous system, that is to say, which is triggered automatically as soon as a detection occurs.

—>  See the product

Surveillance camera associated with a fog generator

Surveillance cameras

We offer 2 models: a small, discreet camera, or a second high-resolution, motorized model.

In the event of an intrusion, you can view your home and decide to trigger the smoke generator if necessary.

—>  See products

Complete active anti-burglary kits

Complete kits for optimal active safety

We provide you with complete kits with fog generator, cameras and motion detector.

The autonomous kit is triggered alone, without intervention on your part.

—>  See the kits

Discover the advantages of our active security solutions - Euro Security Protect

Fog generator, the effective anti-burglary solution

Instant deterrence:

One of the main benefits of the fog generator is its ability to instantly deter burglars and intruders.
As soon as it is turned on, the generator releases a thick fog obscuring visibility in just a few seconds.
This rapid and intense reaction leaves the thug no other option than to leave the scene without delay.


Infallible protection:

Unlike traditional security systems, the fog generator offers infallible protection with tremendous efficiency. Even if burglars manage to gain entry to a property, fog prevents them from spotting and stealing valuables. This ensures maximum property security and minimizes potential losses.

Protection without physical contact without risk against burglars

Safety for occupants:

In addition to protecting material assets, the fog generator also ensures the safety of occupants. By creating a confusing and unpredictable environment, it significantly reduces the risk of direct confrontation between burglars and residents. Occupants can thus move to safety or contact the authorities without exposing their physical integrity.


Activation of the fog generator can be done:

  • - By the Panic button
  • - With the remote control
  • - On your mobile phone
Protection without physical contact without risk against the burglars

An effective and economical solution, accessible to all:

Today there are far too many homes vulnerable to burglaries and squats.
Whether for a primary residence, a secondary residence, empty apartments waiting for tenants, businesses or storage premises, it is really time to put an end to this scourge by protecting yourself now with our active protection solution, for a fixed price, without subscription, and truly accessible to all.

This is an economical and extremely effective solution.
By significantly reducing the risk of theft and damage, the generator helps minimize the costs associated with claims and repairs, and can even lead to a reduction in insurance premiums.

Deterrent protection against squatters

Protection against squatters:

The problem of squatters is becoming more and more recurrent, a real nightmare for owners.
When a property is squatted, you have 48 hours to notify the police who can evict them.
Beyond this deadline, a real obstacle course begins to recover housing, with endless procedures, accompanied by heavy financial losses.

The best solution is to activate the smoke generator as soon as the intruders enter to prevent them from taking over the accommodation.
It will then be necessary to warn the police that an attempt to squat took place so that they can monitor the building.
Of course, go there to secure your apartment and recharge the generator in case of recurrence.

Protect yourself once and for all with a fog generator, which won't give squatters the chance to set up shop.


How does our active burglary kit work?

Our kit includes:

  • - 1 4K camera with human detection managed by artificial intelligence
  • - 1 smoke generator that can be activated remotely with your mobile phone
4K surveillance camera, 8Mega pixels

The 8 Mega pixel surveillance camera for 4K resolution

Our camera offers 4K resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels for a sharp and precise image.
It can connect to your WiFi network, or directly via RJ45 wire to your router or internet box.

It can be viewed remotely using the mobile application provided (Android and IoS), or locally with the VMS software for PC, also provided.

It incorporates human detection managed by artificial intelligence which sends you an alert to your phone as soon as an intruder is detected.
You can then connect to the camera and view your accommodation.

If you correctly identify an intrusion, you can then immediately activate the smoke generator to put an end to the burglary, without delay.

The camera can rotate horizontally by 352°, and vertically by 95°. The rotation is done directly on the mobile application.

It is possible to insert a Micro-SD memory card (up to 128 GB) so that the camera records videos of possible intrusions.
Viewing these videos is accessible directly on the mobile app.

Finally, the camera works perfectly at night, thanks to the integrated infrared LEDs (black and white images).
In the event of human detection, the white LEDs light up to obtain a color image.

The camera has other features such as:

  • - Listen to what is happening in the room
  • - Speak with the person in violation
  • - Trigger a built-in siren
Anti-burglar fog generator

The smoke generator

Our smoke generator can be activated:

  • - With the emergency button (provided).
  • - With the radio frequency remote control (provided).
  • - By dry contact, for example from an alarm center that you already have.
  • - From your mobile phone, wherever you are.

The smoke generator connects via WiFi to your internet box.
It can then be triggered very easily remotely, from the Tuya Smart mobile application.

Smoke spreads throughout the room within 20 seconds, rendering visibility zero.
Burglars or squatters have no choice but to leave the premises and abandon their intrusion.

The generator effectively diffuses smoke over a volume of 150 cubic meters, or 40 to 60 square meters.
For larger areas, it is possible to add other generators for optimal protection.


Protection against intrusions and break-ins


Anti-burglary fog generator for residences main and secondary

Main and secondary residences

By night and day, houses and apartments are the target of burglars.
For a studio or one-bedroom apartment, a single anti-burglary smoke bomb is enough to protect the home. It will be placed in the main room and will largely cover the entire surface to scare away intruders.

For larger houses, it is better to provide an opaque smoke generator in the living room and in rooms containing valuable objects, bedroom or office.
The number of cameras will depend on the number of rooms to monitor, placed in strategic locations.

Anti-squat fog generator for investment properties

Empty housing, investment properties and apartments awaiting rental

If empty homes are of no interest to burglars, this is not the case for squatters.
It is important to act even before the intruders take possession of the accommodation, otherwise, eviction procedures risk taking months, not to mention the numerous time-consuming procedures, lawyer and bailiff fees, and above all the damage to the apartment.
A degraded property must, most of the time, be completely renovated. This generates several thousand Euros of work to make it habitable again.

Please note that the camera and the smoke bomb require an Internet connection to be controlled remotely.
If you do not have a subscription to a fiber or ADSL access provider (empty home), you can opt for a cheap basic mobile offer by sharing the connection with camera + smoke generator.

Fog generator against burglaries cellars and garages

Cellars and garages

Thefts from cellars are commonplace.
If you have valuables or want to protect your car, the investment in our protection kit could pay off.

Fog generator against attacks on businesses and tobacco bar

Shops, pharmacies and tobacco bars

If you are the owner of a store, a pharmacy or a tobacco bar where robberies are increasing, the installation of active protection is essential.
Depending on the size of the establishment, you can opt for one, two or three smoke bombs.

In the event of an emergency, the smoke generators can be triggered by the panic button that you install in a strategic location (cash desk, shed, etc.), or by the remote control that you keep with you.
First of all, the priority is to protect yourself. Then, protect your merchandise by scaring away thieves thanks to the diffusion of completely opaque smoke.

Fog generator protection of hangars and warehouses

Medium-sized hangars and warehouses

Places where goods are stored are also often the target of burglars.
Depending on the size of the warehouse, it will be necessary to install several smoke bombs, at the rate of one unit per 150 cubic meters.

Our kit is also essential for farmers wishing to protect their tractors whose parts and GPS are increasingly the target of thieves.